"Each moment you can choose to practice My Presence or to practice the presence of problems." (104)
Practicing His presence is a state of spiritual awareness that I need to "practice" a whole lot more! Much like developing a skill, I want to develop the discipline of an embracing focus on Him and on the truths of scripture, more than embracing the realities of this deeply flawed and spiritually fallen world.
My heart resonates with Moses' request...when he asked God to teach him His ways and for His favor. God responds, "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." Ex. 33:1
God could have given him many other things... but instead He promised REST!
There is a kind of restlessness that comes when a relationship is in question... when the love has been compromised or contaminated. However, God's presence is all about a most pure and perfect love that allows the heart to be at ease, the mind to be at peace and the soul to be at rest. It's Practice Time...time to practice resting...
In His loving Presence...dmc
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