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Here's how God is using the daily readings from Jesus Calling to speak into my life.
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Friday, March 25, 2016

Grateful or Grumbling

"A thankful mind-set keeps you in touch with Me. I hate it when My children grumble..." (88)
We've all been around those who habitually grumble or around children who tend to fuss and whine, or even adults who love to complain. God has many, many children and I'm guessing the ones who've learned to be gracious and grateful must certainly be refreshing to Him! Zephaniah 3:14 & 17 speaks of how God rejoices over those who have a heart that rejoices! Psalm 5:11-12 tells us that they are surrounded with God's favor "like a shield."
I was especially blessed by being brought up in a home where being grateful, even awed with life, was not uncommon! Words of affirmation and encouragement were readily spoken. So, to turn that same kind of response towards God just makes a lot of sense to me.
The thought that captured me today was that when we grumble we are "casually despising (God's) sovereignty." That "a grateful attitude becomes a grid through which (we) perceive life."
How distorted our perspective can be when we choose to interpret life through the grumbling gird rather than the grateful grid!
Even more grateful...dmc

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