Welcome! Let's Do Devotions Together!

Let's grow together!
Here's how God is using the daily readings from Jesus Calling to speak into my life.
What is He saying to YOU? Share it with someone & have a BLESSED day in Jesus!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Befriending the Problems

My natural response is to avoid problems. Not a bad idea, just not always possible. Difficulties and problems are just a "given" in this fallen, hurtful world. So, to daily overcome I must daily present them to Jesus.
Much like introducing one person to another, the problem must encounter the great Problem Solver, the beloved Burden Bearer...Jesus!
With Jesus next to me and the problem in front of me...I can overcome as He leads the way, every day, every time, all the way.
Sticking Close to Him...dmc


  1. To be honest with you, I didn't like the way today's devotion read. But, then, after reading what you said, Dawn, I like it better. I like the way you worded it. Made more sense to me. Thanks for sharing. Love ya!

  2. To me, it's all about perspective. I was reading in John 16 today where Jesus is telling His disciples what is going to happen. Then He concludes the chapter (vs 33 b)"But take heart (or as I learned it be of good cheer)for I have OVERCOME THE WORLD! (emphasis mine). Jesus was facing the cross, what problems could we face that compare with that?? Looking at it with that perspective, that Jesus has been there and really does understand what problems can do--makes a difference in how I view today's devo! Looking through Jesus' eyes instead of mine.

  3. Thanks, Kay...many times I need to turn a concept "inside out" to better unravel how it applies. Also..Good thoughts on John 16. Appreciate the input! May God continue to bless our journey together!
