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Here's how God is using the daily readings from Jesus Calling to speak into my life.
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Spiritual Neurobics

"One of the practical benefits of living close to Me...I will show you which direction to go... I, the Creator of the universe...will not leave you circling in deeply rutted paths. Instead, I will lead you along fresh trails of adventure, revealing to you things you did not know. Stay in communication with me; follow My guiding Presence." (314)

Perhaps this is one of the more challenging, yet inspiring aspects of the "road less traveled" (from yesterday's blog.) The familiar, routine, well-worn roads that most journey will often cause us to "sleepwalk through (our) days." However, as followers of Christ, we will find ourselves moving out of our comfort zones into Divinely appointed adventures that challenge and inspire us to be more than we would have ever dreamed.

I have been inspired by those who follow hard and close to Christ. Amazing opportunities seem to flourish in their lives. When I've moved outside my own sphere of the familiar and have been stretched beyond my realm of comfort, it has been a mixture of rewarding, inspiring and even a bit scary, at times.

Recently Manning Rubin and Lawrence Katz invented a new term, "neurobics," referring to brain exercises that can enhance brain fitness by stimulating the chemicals produced when we engage in a non-routine action/thought. When we move outside our comfort zone, we stimulate the growth of neurons and dendrites that can make for a healthier environment in our brains.

I believe that "one of the practical benefits to living close" to Jesus is the opportunity to experience some "neurobics." Jesus seems to stir up the brain cells and change the environment of our minds helping us to develop a mind like His. (Philippians 2:5)

Neurobically His...dmc


  1. Amen Dawn! I was listening to the radio the other day and they were talking about stepping out of your comfort zone. The announcer said that we should do something "scary" to us each day in our spiritual walk. As I thought about it I found it to be an inspirational challenge. Doing this would bring me to be more dependent on God in my daily walk and help to keep me from getting too comfortable. Psalm 32:8 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you." God promises to lead and guide me, so I might as well "exercise the brain" as well as my body! Then I can be Wholly(Holy)Healthy! :)

    Praying for His challenge!
