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Here's how God is using the daily readings from Jesus Calling to speak into my life.
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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Renewing Benefits Brains

"Ask My Spirit to quiet your mind so that you can think My thoughts...be transformed by the renewing of your mind...letting My thoughts reprogram your thinking." (200)
It is totally possible to have a renewed mind. I share a quote, from one of Dr. David Amen's past email updates on brain research, as a compelling example.
"Jim Fallon is a neuroscientist at the University of California Irvine who has spent nearly two decades studying the brains of psychopaths and murderers. Thanks to brain imaging, he has detected certain patterns of brain activity—or inactivity—that are common in violent types...Jim is a kind man with a sharp mind. You can imagine the surprise I got when I read an article on NPR.org entitled “A Neuroscientist Uncovers a Dark Secret,” which says that Jim himself has the brain of a killer. According to the article, Jim comes from a long line of violent people, including the notorious Lizzy Borden, who was accused of taking an ax to her parents in 1882. When Jim scanned his own brain, he found the same patterns he sees in murderous psychopaths. Genetic testing showed that he also carries the same genes found in people who commit violent acts. But Jim isn’t violent. Why not?
Because your genes are NOT your destiny. By living a brain healthy life and having loving relationships and a positive attitude, you can deactivate those negative brain pathways and those risky genes and turn on other ones that are more beneficial to you." (amenclinics.com@mcsv63.net. Newsletter sent 7/6/2010 2:27 PM)
More and more I believe our thought life strongly determines the strength and health of our relational and spiritual journey!
The following scripture passage puts it clearly. "I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now, choose life so that you and your children may live. Love the Lord your God, obey Him, and remain faithful to Him. For He is your life..." (Deut. 30:19-20)
Choosing Life and Life Giving Thoughts...dmc


  1. That is such a great testimony and wonderful evidence for Romans 12:2! Our past is our past and we can learn from it but we do not have to let it control us. Tradition and culture are strong elements that can prevent us from living for God as well. However we can choose to let God reprogram our ways and give us His strength to live a righteous life! Sometimes it can come at a high price, like having family that may not want to associate with you, but Christ paid the ultimate price for us.

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  2. I agree, Melissa! No matter what our past...today and all our tomorrows can be demonstrations of Divine Intervention! Intentionally weaving God into our lives.
