Welcome! Let's Do Devotions Together!

Let's grow together!
Here's how God is using the daily readings from Jesus Calling to speak into my life.
What is He saying to YOU? Share it with someone & have a BLESSED day in Jesus!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Total Trust, Total Thanks

"Come to Me for all that you need... Relax in the knowledge that the One who controls your life is totally trustworthy." (132)
To be worthy of one's trust... total trust... is highly rare and absolutely awesome! God is just THAT... worthy of our trust! God is worthy of praise, worthy of honor, worthy of glory and worthy of our total worship. It is no wonder, He tells us to come into His presence with total thanksgiving... there's just SO much to be thankful for! (Psalm 100)
Even in the midst of personal pain there's reasons to to thankful. So, sometimes we are trusting and thanking Him just because we know He is totally aware and totally "there" on this journey. He is no less than our Totally Trustworthy God!
Just the kind of God I need...dmc


  1. Dawn Marie, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. You and your family are in our prayers! I have no words of wisdom, but we love you and thank God for you.

    Praising Him with thankfulness!



  2. Thanks, Melissa, for your prayer support! Your encouragement speaks deeply to us. God is Good!

  3. So glD I am not in charge of my life, but a loving God is paving my way! Thanks for this reminder!
