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Let's grow together!
Here's how God is using the daily readings from Jesus Calling to speak into my life.
What is He saying to YOU? Share it with someone & have a BLESSED day in Jesus!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Growing Young!

"I am your Living God, far more abundantly alive than the most vivacious person you know. The human body is wonderfully crafted, but gravity and the inevitable effects of aging weigh it down... Do not be anxious about the weakness of your body... Though the process of aging continues, inwardly you grow stronger with the passing years. Those who live close to Me develop an inner aliveness that makes them seem youthful in spite of their years. Let My Life shine through you, as you walk in the Light with Me." (307)
I participated in a brain-health Webinar emphasizing how a healthy brain will keep us more alive and youthful, no matter what our chronological age may be. Tests reveal some twenty year olds whose thought life was so toxic and negative that their brains were deteriorating faster than their grandparents who were 3 or 4 times older!
Although my outward, physical body will certainly age, I want my "inner person to be renewed day by day." (2 Cor. 4:16) Afterall... Age? It's just a number!
So, here are some personal checkpoints I have for myself to help me "grow young."
1. Eat brain healthy & body healthy foods (including my Reliv & protein shakes)
2. Stay kid-connected (time with the young keeps my heart happy, tender & sincere)
3. Keep a "young at heart" attitude (no matter how gray, wrinkled or forgetful I become)
4. Always be up for something new & different (keeps me out of the "rut")
5. Compliment often & be thankful (grumpy people are "old" no matter what their age)
6. Daily sing & make music (keeps me in tune, on beat & in my right mind, literally!)
7. Let God speak into my life daily (before I dare speak into someone else's life)
8. Use encounters to improve this world (touching people & places for good)
9. Be sure to listen well, using my 3rd ear (the one in the center of my h"ear"t!)
10. Check for Fruit (Will this produce more Love? Joy? Peace? Patience? Kindness? Goodness? Faith? Gentleness? Self-Control? Gal.5:22-23... If not, I usually DON'T go there!!)
Staying Ageless In Jesus...dmc