Welcome! Let's Do Devotions Together!

Let's grow together!
Here's how God is using the daily readings from Jesus Calling to speak into my life.
What is He saying to YOU? Share it with someone & have a BLESSED day in Jesus!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Distinguished People

So, what is it that distinguishes us from all other people? Ex.33:14-16 reveals the identifying factor: His Presence!
Walking through our day "in His Presence" will distinguish us from all others who are also walking through this day with us.
What's the secret to staying in His Presence? Jesus tells us in John 15:4-7, "remain in Me."
"Stay in communication with Me, whispering My Name, whenever you need to redirect your thoughts. Thus you can walk through this day with your focus on Me." (today's devo)
That's activating our minds' ability to "Click it Forward" straight into His Presence! (from yesterday's blog) The simple practice of "remaining in Him," or whispering His Name, has redirected my life many times-impacting my thoughts, conversations and choices. I want to do that a whole lot more!


  1. Several years ago I walked into the office of a local CPA to “check him out”. At the end of our “interview” I not only determined that he was competent in the area of tax and finances, but more importantly that he was a Christian; a man of high integrity and honesty. I didn’t question him on these character traits; I just knew…there was a resonance between His Presence within both of us. I left elated knowing God had led me to a CPA that I knew (beyond my human abilities to assess) I could totally trust. Thank you God for your guidance and thank you, Harvey Little, for allowing God’s Presence to shine within you.

  2. I want to “remain in Him" always! I pray continuously throughout the day. I still have times when thoughts come into my head and I feel like I'm going to pop until I share it. They aren't bad thoughts, just things that someone else might not want to hear because it can be convicting. (Just as the Pharisees didn't want to hear some of what Jesus said.) Shall I ignore this when it happens? Maybe God wants them to hear it?

    Not sure what to do…..Melissa

  3. Good question...I usually try to "frame" the comment in a way that will "stir" them on toward producing the Fruit of the Spirit.
    I ask myself: Will this comment produce more love, joy, peace...etc in them?
    Jesus was able to read the Pharisees minds, so He was able to make the perfect "convicting" statements. Sometimes I wish I had that same "mind-reading" skill, but I don't...so I try to use the Fruit of the Spirit Filter. Just like Being in the Vine where the Fruit grows more readily, I try to "remain" in Hims!
    Just my quick thoughts...? Any others?

  4. Carolynn, thanks for the comments! It blesses me when people say those things about my husband:)I know those things, but others don't always see it.
