Welcome! Let's Do Devotions Together!

Let's grow together!
Here's how God is using the daily readings from Jesus Calling to speak into my life.
What is He saying to YOU? Share it with someone & have a BLESSED day in Jesus!

Friday, January 1, 2010


Ever wondered if God is fully aware, if He sees, if He cares? What a blessing to know that we have an attentive God! He has no problem with Attention Deficit Disorder! What a comfort to know that His "steady eye" carefully and lovingly watches over us. His "attention span is infinite" and His plans are to bless us... Today, tomorrow and throughout this new year!
Desiring to be teachable and transformed...dmc


  1. As I read this mornings devotion I felt an excitement for what God has in store for the New Year. I, of course, have several resolutions, but this reading forced me to prioritize my desires to those of God. Thank you Lord that a close walk with You is a life of continual newness...I will seek Your Face with an open mind and let my old ways go...Thank You Father God for the excitement and anticipation of the new year to come!!! tsdp

  2. I love today's scripture! Nothing like starting a new year with a message of hope and encouragement. Since I changed my life to live for Christ, New Year's never had much excitement for me. This gives a whole new outlook! Thank you Father!

  3. So relieved to hear about the "no problem with ADD". Do I lean toward toward that sometimes? Hmmm. What comfort knowing that our Father will always be there to listen to us. WOW!

    Happy New Year ladies!!

