Welcome! Let's Do Devotions Together!

Let's grow together!
Here's how God is using the daily readings from Jesus Calling to speak into my life.
What is He saying to YOU? Share it with someone & have a BLESSED day in Jesus!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Thin Thread Works!

"Trust is a golden pathway to heaven. When you walk on this path, you live above your circumstances." "Dare to walk on the high road..." (28)
Have you noticed? There's not a big crowd on the "high road." Most will avoid the "road less traveled" and will take the "path of least resistance," following the more familiar "trail" of human reasoning, negative thought and skepticism!
By simply incorporating the dimension of "trust" we can radically be impacted relationally - "favor, good understanding and high esteem in the sight (or judgment) of God and man." (Prov.3:4, AMP)
Trust can also radically impact us physically - "health to your nerves, and marrow and moistening to your bones." (Prov.3:8)
Honestly, at times, I feel like trust is more of a thin thread I'm hanging from than a path I'm walking on! But I'd rather hang on a thin thread of trust than be deeply embedded in doubt. Trust means I am...
Securely Certain of Him (not myself!)...dmc


  1. What came to mind when reading the devos today was Peter getting out of the boat to walk on the water to Jesus. When he focused on Jesus he did just that; he walked on the water! As soon as he took his focus off of Jesus and on his fear he began to sink. If we focus on our fear, the world or even the "easiest route" we will sink! If we focus on Jesus, we can "walk on water"!

  2. Have you noticed that the word "trust" has been used a lot lately?! Between these devotions and Pastor Joe's sermons, it seems God is really trying to get our attention about this issue. It has made me realize that I really don't trust God in many areas of my life, even though I thought I did. But, I want to trust Him in ALL areas of my life.

  3. Great thoughts, thanks! So, trust may be a watery experience, not always a path or a thin thread! Whoa, with my lack of swimming ability...I better keep my eyes on Jesus! Period!
    You're right...Our trust is being challenged in many areas (politically, socially, financially...) forcing us to recognize that trusting in God is our best secured option!
    Still learning how...dmc
