Welcome! Let's Do Devotions Together!

Let's grow together!
Here's how God is using the daily readings from Jesus Calling to speak into my life.
What is He saying to YOU? Share it with someone & have a BLESSED day in Jesus!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Little Boys & Transformer Toys

"In the Light of My Love, you are gradually (being) transformed from glory to glory."(77)
Years ago our boys collected transformers; little toys that flipped, clicked and twisted from one thing to another....a monster truck could become a robotic man or some fierce weapon. Our boys totally enjoyed the transformation process and were quite skilled in speedy transformations!
As Christians, we are also being transformed, however, our transformation process is probably more steady than it is speedy! 2 Corinthians 3:18 says we are "constantly being transfigured (transformed) into His very won image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another." "From glory to glory," continually changing, becoming transformed into the image of Christ.
We are a little like those transformer toys. We were created in the image of God, clicked and twisted into something fierce and fallen and now, we're being transformed from glory to glory into the image of Christ.
Incidentally, the boys were also "transforming!" Day by day, from little boys into godly men! Aren't we all grateful for that transforming process!?
From Glory to Glory, Image to Image...dmc


  1. Dawn, I have been readying Jesus Calling for years and for the last 5 it has been on my ipad as we travel. well the iPad is in the process of being 'transformed' and I am wondering if you have a link on here that goes to the Jesus Calling devotion? I have no idea where our hard copy is, and I really do not want to go without it, good habits are hard to break too :)

  2. I have the devotionals from Jesus Calling on my iphone and ipad purchased as an App. I believe you can do the same. It makes easy to access.
