Welcome! Let's Do Devotions Together!

Let's grow together!
Here's how God is using the daily readings from Jesus Calling to speak into my life.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Well Developed Trust

"When something in your life or thoughts makes you anxious, come to Me and talk about it." (64)
Difficulties can elicit all kinds of responses in us....anywhere from being mildly annoyed to intensely angry. Learning how to use difficulties in a constructive way changes the whole environment around us and in us! Since "well developed trust" comes "wrapped in difficulties," we would be incredibly wise to learn how to purposefully deal with difficulties.
I have found it especially insightful to glean wisdom from others who are familiar with difficulties. Examples: Watching our parents age graciously in the midst of challenges that come with so multiple changes & losses has been quite impacting. Walking arm in arm with others who are spiritually resilient, even in the grip of heartache, speaks deeply to my soul. These trusting souls give me reason to pause and reflect on how I can incorporate that kind of heroic trust into the fabric of my own life.
Several things I have learned: Don't become oppositional; rather, become more open to God. I do much better when I recognize how this can be used beneficially and praise God for the opportunity to fine tune a "well developed trust."
Another lesson I've learned, is how the power of praise will exponentially increase the 'opportunity index' of my mind...using difficulties as valuable triggers to index potential opportunities, praying, "God, show me how this can be used to bring You more glory?" Then, what a joy to share that 'opportunity index' with our kids, or others, so they can also maximize their own potential...
For God's Glory...dmc

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