Welcome! Let's Do Devotions Together!

Let's grow together!
Here's how God is using the daily readings from Jesus Calling to speak into my life.
What is He saying to YOU? Share it with someone & have a BLESSED day in Jesus!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Holy Whispers

"Wait quietly in My Presence while My thoughts form silently in the depths of your being... I make My humble home in your heart. It is there where you know Me most intimately; it is there where I speak to you in holy whispers." (276)
This devotional thought brought to mind an experience on a Sunday morning that touched me deeply. At the close of our service many of us had stepped forward during the closing prayer time. Our little granddaughter had walked with me to the front and we were standing before the platform. Suddenly, she drops her little head down over her arms, resting on the edge of the platform. She stayed in that prayerful stance for quite some time. At one point I bent over and whispered in her ear that Jesus loved her and that I did, too. She whispered back, “Grammy...I praying.” I told her she could pray as long she liked. The expression on her face was so precious, so genuine! My heart was deeply moved...what was God whispering into her tender 4 year old heart? For certain...God knew the whispering thoughts in her heart and was whispering back to her.
I am so grateful that she has experienced her parents responding with tender hearts toward God and that a trip to the altar is a familiar, welcomed journey.
How important it is that we, as adults, demonstrate a tender heart and a listening ear that tunes into the whispers of God.
Whispering the thoughts of my heart to Him, Listening for His Whispers...dmc


  1. WOW…God awakened me a little after 3am. Finally at 4:00 ish I grudgingly got up, feeling that God had something to share with me before the busyness of my day started. I knew I was to read Scripture, but where oh God, do you want me to read. Show me. I read Isaiah 6, my next lesson in a Precept bible study I’m in. Even though every Word in the Scriptures are holy and precious, I didn’t feel that was where God wanted me this morning. I turned to the Jesus Calling devo. There it was, talking about being still and listening for God’s intimate whispers, just for me. I thought, “He wants to talk to me right now!" I got on the floor face down and poured out my heart to God, not only for myself but for others who have asked me to pray for them. A humbling experience . . . in His arms with His full attention on me, yes, on me. I am precious and matter to Him. With tears in my eyes, He whispered, “I love you, I love you, I love you. Abide in me and I will give you the desire of your heart. Follow my direction . . . it’s going to be grand!” Pour ME out Father and fill me up, for Your Kingdom.

    Still marveling at my awesome God, His Daughter

  2. I was awake at the same time this morning!!
    God is stirring hearts for purposes beyond our imagination!
    Face Down alongside you & Resting in His Presence...dmc

  3. I, too, was awakened at 4:00AM. Abba Father whispered the names of spicifoc people He wanted me to pray for; people on His Heart, HH put on my heart. After fulfilling my assignment I returned to a restful sleep. Upon awakening, to the sound of my alarm clock, I read Jesus Calling, which truly blessed me - and continued to read Carolynn's comments, which progressed me to an even Greater conformation of Blessings.

    I am overwhelmed by the awesomness of Sonship - having the very Nature of Abba Father, the Creator of ALL, as my residential nature. I asked The Father: How much do You Love me and what were You thinking when You created me? His answer - I was thinking about My Son and My LOVE for Him, when I created you in Him, before the foundation of the world!!!!! What an incredible response!!!!!!

    I am still experiencing the beaitiful weight of His Smile and hear Him singing over me :) What an AWESOME God we are blessed and privileged to serve.

    My day is set to glorify His Son Son in me to be the Kingdom and bring the Kingdom, as His beLOVED son, into this world in need of discovering the awesomness of the free gift of Sonship - being reborn from above by Spirit of the Living, Loving and Gracious God.

    Thank you, Dawn and Carolynn, for shareing - we've got a FIRE started and burning this morning.


    Pastor Mark

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